Atlantis Ring
La Manso is not a brand, but a girl. Cute but assertive, she has made a business out of her everyday life. Her life, however, couldn’t be a better combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary, the basic and the elevated, what’s trendy and what’s old-fashioned. Surrounded by all kind of personages, her days are full of anecdotes from which she spots what’s meaningful and, therefore, worthy to be immortalized. There can’t be just one word to define her, she represents her personality through objects, pictures, videos, spaces, events and collaborations. This allows her to mutate, to move from one project to another without giving explanations. Quite the opposite, this modus operandi reinforces her character and will.
The founders of ATLANTIS were said to be half god and half human. They were surrounded by islands where an exotic wildlife and a utopian civilization lived. This land also contained gold, silver, and other precious metals, like this ring, which was magically given to La Manso, and she just decided to replicate it and share it with the whole world.
Material: Gypsy fluor blue oval, fluor blue circle on a base of a glittery blue square ring.